
Coach Keje

Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Fitness saved Coach Keje's life, being at his heaviest at 327lbs at the age of 20, the Doctor warned Coach Keje that if he did not make any drastic lifestyle changes, his health would be in question in the near future. As the Doctor expressed this message to Coach Keje he also prescribed mandatory medications that had to be taken everyday in order to combat his high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Now Coach Keje has always had issues concerning his weight, issues such as low self esteem due to being called fat boy or fat ass during his adolescent years. Issues such as never finding a pair of jeans that was his exact size. Issues such as no confidence when it came to communicating with the opposite sex. But the turning point was when Coach Keje realized that he was taking similiar medications that his father (Age 55) was taking. He Realized that changes had to be made. So he began to take action and learn all he could regarding fat loss. He tried keto, plantbased, vegan, paleo, pescatarian, intemittent fasting, and all brought some results but none lasted. So after years of trial and error and proper continuous education through certification courses such as Nutrition and Hydration, Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Coach keje was able to devlop a proven system that helped him drop 102 pounds in total, now this was a huge moment and he felt great. But soon he realized he had a calling from God which was to help whoever that was confused and lost as he was when he first embarked on his fat loss journey. Coach Keje's motto is keeping fat loss simple and affordable. Coach Keje decided to put all of his knowledge and the knowledge he continues to learn in one course to help as many people who are looking to feel more confident , have more energy, and eat without having anxiety and shame for enjoying some of their favorite foods. Being a former Teacher for the NYC Board of education, creating a course in something of this much interest brought joy to him because he finally understood what God has destined him to do which is combine his two passions which are teaching and fitness and create something that can help as many people who struggled with the same issues as he did.

Coach Keje